
RegINA, Queen Mother Earth Nurtures A (Baby) Terrestrial Magazine In The Digital Universe!

Queen Mother Earth – 
She is beautiful. She is also mournful! 
Why do we terrestrials keep making our Mother cry?
(“Mother Earth” image[1] by Andrew Green Mann, Pinterest.com)

Whatever, I am excited. I have never been excited as in mid-morning today, Friday, 03 December 2021, when in thinking what to write about for my next essay on Regenerative Agriculture (RegenA), I had the singular idea of publishing a magazine to promote RegenA, a relatively modern concept of farming, by virtue of a monthly magazine, available in digital & print formats, and I thought of the name “Regina" – a clearly feminine contrast to RegenA. Mann’s picart above will be my mag’s logo. On the coming out of the first issue, I will celebrate by giving out drinking cups with her image painted on 2 opposite “sides.”

Now then, my previous “RegenA” as acronym for Regenerative Agriculture has become “RegINA” – as well as I am assigning it as the name of Queen Mother Earth, that is, the practice of agriculture to please us terrestrials and at the same time make Queen Mother Earth smile! (Not weeping as above.)

RegINA is an acronym:
Regenerative from Intelligent, Information-Intense, Insightful, Nature-Assured Applicable Agriculture.

Today I begin looking for Regina-loving terrestrials – that is, individuals and institutions to be featured in the maiden issue, out this Christmas season, target date 25 December 2021, celebrated as date of birth of Jesus Christ, Son of God. I am a Roman Catholic; in any case, whether you believe in God or not as long as you believe in the Earth As One Whole, you belong to RegINA, whether it refers to my magazine on regenerative agriculture or our Queen Mother Earth!

RegINA is the latest incarnation in my personal journey along the paths of the sciences of Agriculture (I am a BSA major in Ag Edu, UP Los Baños 1965); Agroforestry (I was Chief Information Officer of the Forest Research Institute, 1975-1981); and since 2000 Blogging – early this month, I transformed my 3-year old blog Communication for Development (ComDev) into “Communication for Village Development 2021” (CoVID21) – and now RegINA, Queen Mother Earth.

“Regenerative from Intelligent, Information-Rich, Insightful Nature-Assured Applicable Agriculture” – “Intelligent” refers to scientific findings; “Information-Rich” refers to experiences based on science or guesswork; and “Insightful Nature-Assured” refers to any accidental agricultural discovery or act arising from intuition that afterwards proves productive and ecologically sustainable.

The RegINA magazine will feature any newsworthy item on any individual, group or institution public or private that is currently pursuing what we might term “reginable” or what is fore/seen to be a naturally regenerative practice or process in agriculture. Note: On their own, the following already-existing sciences & practices are worthy entries to the RegINA Knowledge Bank and worth featuring in the RegINA Magazine:

Recognizable and/or known regenerative sciences/practices:
Biodynamic farming
Cover cropping
Crop diversification
Crop rotation
Free-range growing of animals
Minimum tillage/No-till farming
Natural farming
Organic farming
System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
Trash farming.

Welcome into your intellectual and agricultural lives RegINA, Queen Mother Earth!@517


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