
In Our Quiet Desperation, We Must Respond In Love – Family First!


Throughout this worldwide pandemic, what American essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau wrote 167 years ago in his book Walden is today exactly true: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

The world is ganging up on us. We are told: “You have to wear this, wear that.” “You can’t do this, can’t do that.”

Every now and then, Facebook tells us some people died of the virus, maybe even someone we knew, admired, or loved. And we feel totally helpless.

Oh but I say, “We have to rediscover our power: Love of Family!”
(“Family Love” imag
e[1] from Dreamstimeempty corridor image[2] from Patrickfellows.com)

Given the tight feelings issuing from public & private pronouncements about the pandemic, today, Wednesday, 29 September 2021, reading-reediting the 2017 book on a psycho-spiritual path that husbands and/or wives can take to grow into consciousness of love written by Alegria Abellon Javier-Obien, 262 pages, it occurs to me that the book is teaching us:

All members of the family can grow together into a Powerful Consciousness of Love. Now then, even in empty corridors, we can find the enlightenment of Family Love!

I have revised the very heavy title “Moving On From Woundedness To Wellness” to the very welcome “Moving On Loving Oneself Loving Others.” Suddenly, we have all the families as target learners! Because, yes, we families are in fact in quiet desperation arising from the coronavirus pandemic and the imposed socially & economically complicated lockdowns. (By next week, Baby Javier-Obien’s book in its 2021 edition should be available for order in pdf, emailable & easily readable format.)

Baby’s old/new book “Moving On Loving Oneself Loving Others” should prove helpful in surviving today’s dizzying lockdowns arising from the pandemic. Even as:

Today, we all lead lives of quiet desperation!

And so we turn to this old/new book to help deliver us from this modern-day evil of silent fright.

On page 189, Baby Javier-Obien writes:

The Gift Of Family

Man has sought various ways to fulfill this longing for connection. But the deepest, most intimate, and most fundamental expression is the union in a man-woman relationship in the bond of marriage, and the man-woman-child template that we call family…. "The almost instinctive tendency of human beings to gravitate toward a two-parent plus children model of the family suggests that such an arrangement has been designed into the human race by a wise and loving God" (David Stoop & James Masteller 1992).

The social structure of marriage and family has indeed been universally carried across millennia and cultures as the fundamental backbone of man's social, political, and spiritual life... The wisdom of such a structure has been validated by research that shows married men and women have higher levels of physical and mental health than those who are single, divorced or living together.

We must rediscover family; we must restore family if we have lost it. Love is the only antidote to a life of quiet desperation – and Family is the Best Form of Love there is!@517



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