
Covid – How The Whole World Panicked Over A Disease, Why You Don’t Have To, Today!

It’s the media (and Facebook sharing). “What we certainly have is a pandemic of fear. (All Earth's media) is gripped by coronavirus” – The Conversation (Australia).

Ignacio López-Goñi gives us “Coronavirus: Ten Reasons Why You Ought Not To Panic[1]” (07 March 2020, The Conversation). Here are the first 5:

(1) “We know what it is.“
(2) “We know how to detect the virus.“
(3) "
The situation is improving in China.“
“80% of the cases are mild.“
“People recover.“
(“Don’t Panic” image[2] from World Economic Forum)

Personally, I want to sound the alarm against the alarm about the coronavirus. Do you know how many of your rights and freedoms were taken over by your government and/or your doctors by their declaring a pandemic and also causing economic chaos?

Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters & Michael Baker have just co-authored the 408-page paperback The Great Covid Panic: What Happened, Why, And What To Do Next[3] (Amazon.com). Ms Gigi is from the School of Economics of the University of New South Wales, Mr Fijters from the London School of Economics, and Mr Baker from the University of Western Australia. The authors say:

How to make sense of the astonishing upheaval of Spring 2020 and following? Normal life – in which expected rights and freedoms were taken for granted – came to be replaced by a new society as managed by a medical/ruling elite that promised but failed to deliver virus mitigation, all in the name of public health.

Whole wide world went wild & wanton – waah!

“A medical/ruling elite that promised but failed to deliver virus mitigation, all in the name of public health” – and now they are blaming the public for spreading the disease!

Professor Martin Kulldorff of the Harvard Medical School says of the book:

A tour-de-force on how the pandemic response was driven by fear, crowd thinking, big business and a desire for control, rather than by sound public health principles.

Driven by fear, crowd thinking.

I want the pandemic to begin to end right now. So, what will we do now?

American Centers for Disease Control & Prevention says:

Stay home. Most people with Covid-19 have mild illness and can recover at home without medical care. Take care of yourself. Get rest and stay hydrated. Take over-the-counter medicines, such as acetaminophen, to help you feel better.

Mayo Clinic[4] says:

Most people who become sick with Covid-19 will only experience mild illness and can recover at home. Symptoms might last a few days, and people who have the virus might feel better in about a week. Treatment… includes rest, fluid intake and pain relievers.

American Centers for Disease Control & Prevention says: “Stay home except to get medical care[5] (CDC.gov):

Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home.

I say, if you have a fever and cough and other symptoms, try first the Filipino suob! Read my earlier essay, “Nobody Should Die Of Covid-19[6] (30 August 2021, Communication for Development, Blogspot.com).@517


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