
Biology, Technology & The UN Doctrine Of Sustainability Applied To Beauty!

Look at the images above. Upper: Miss Universe Philippines 2020 “Today & Yesterday” Rabiya Mateo, from Facebook (credits Jom Shakeys Ponce); Lower[1]: transgender, from Pinterest – How can delusional beauteousness compete with physical beauty? Give me a break!

But there is more controversy today than just physical looks. Where our very own Rabiya Mateo competed, there was a transgender candidate in the Miss Universe contest, as the Miss Universe owners accepted him/her. Yes!

On Facebook, asked about transgenders, Miss Philippines Pia Wurtzbach, who was Miss Universe 2015, said: “It is allowed in Miss Universe. You can compete, you can win. You don’t have to be a natural-born woman to win Miss Universe.” Right on Facebook, my response was this: “Pia Wurtzbach, essentially what you are saying is that you don't have to be a woman to be a woman!” That’s what the Miss Universe owners are saying.

I am a Roman Catholic, and that’s that. What does the Vatican have to say on the matter? “The Vatican Draws A Line On Gender, And Transgender Catholics Push Back[2] (Bonnie Horgos, 30 July 2019, Religion & Politics):

In June, the Vatican released “Male And Female He Created Them: Towards A Path Of Dialogue On The Question Of Gender Theory In Education,” Its first extensive statement on transgender identity. While including a call for love and respect, the document rejects the idea that gender is distinct from biological sex. A transgender identity, the document asserts, seeks to “annihilate the concept of nature.”

Here's that defining last sentence again: “A transgender identity… seeks to ‘annihilate the concept of nature.’”

Man Above Biology! In other words, transgenderism is overruling the biological by using unnatural means, or man-made concoctions. That is to say, Man is playing God

What about technology? Yes, you can “transform” a male into a female by surgery, replacing the visible male parts with visible female parts, but transgenderism is against “The Doctrine of Combined Individual & Social Sustainability” – my invention, based on the criteria for UN Sustainable Goals:

What about technical feasibility?
What about economic viability?
What about environmental soundness?
What about social acceptability?

Technical feasibility– Yes, today, a doctor can prescribe medicals that change body chemistry from that of male to female, hormones included.

Economic viability – Yes, people can afford the hormonal treatments and medical procedures, hundreds of thousands of dollars. When you want it, you will move heaven & earth to have it.

Environmental soundness – Ah! Do not forget that the environment this time is the human body. If you change or modify anything against the dictates of Mother Nature, or Almighty God, you are tampering with the Divine Design – and no, you are not any of the Three Divine Persons.

Social acceptability – Yes, it is tolerated, even accepted. But you cannot argue for it in the name of human rights; there’s no such thing as “Biological Rights.” And biologically queer is different from medically queer. You have the right to life, but not the right to change the biology of your life.@517



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