
The Rise Of Rices? Dalisay Rice & BigasPh

On Facebook Sunday, 03 November 2019, I read Dalisay Rice Rachel Renucci-Tan's sharing about BigasPh, and my writer's curiosity was piqued, as Rachel had so many questions that obviously had no answers!

I compare now:

Dalisay Rice (above image left):
The whole story of Dalisay Rice is incredible, and having googled on the subject and even attended the launching on 11 September 2019 at the Hyatt Grand Manila, I have so far written 6 essays each 517 words that I have collected in my blog Paradigm Shifts (just click each of the links below and you will be magically transported to the specific essay):

(1) 13 September 2019: "Sun Rises Over Rice In Leyte – Science Makes History, CYA Makes Farmers Rich & Happy!" blogspot.com
(2) 15 September 2019: "How PH Rice Farmers Can Become World-Competitive. 1, Learn From Dalisay Rice!" blogspot.com
(3) 15 September 2019: "How To Make PH Rice World-Competitive. 2, Learn From Dalisay Rice, Inbred" blogspot.com
(4) 16 September 2019: "How To Make PH Rice World-Competitive. 3, Learn From Dalisay Rice, Self-Sufficiency" blogspot.com
(5) 16 September 2019, "How To Make PH Rice World-Competitive. 4, Let Cooperatives Take Over" blogspot.com
(6) 22 September 2019, "Innovation In PH Agriculture, And PRRD Knows One: Dalisay Rice" blogspot.com

BigasPh (above image right):
The whole story of BigasPh is unreliable, and who they are is told in only 410 words in the website BigasPh.com, including the title "Our Story" on the subject of who they are (bigasph.com).

Incredibly, those 410 words do not mention any name of any person at all! So, they want to keep secret who they are?

We are a group of young people who are passionate to make it easier for Filipinos to have access to commodities through online shopping without compromising product quality.

So we started BigasPh.

So, who is your leader? What is your group? Who are you?

Proud Pinoy po kami, from very humble origins.

What families are you, and where do you come from in these islands? What kinds of lives have you led so far to make us believe you are "passionate" and that your Pinoy rice is made available "without compromising product quality"?

BigasPh is the only online bigas delivery service in the Philippines known for delivering the highest quality of rice and excellent customer service.

You claim to be "known for delivering the highest quality of rice" and yet I have neither heard nor read about you, and you have absolutely no credibility claiming you deliver the "highest quality of rice" unless you have compared your rice with Dalisay Rice in public with known and knowledgeable people as credible witnesses!

You say you value Integrity, but if unidentified, you have zero credibility. There is no way of checking out what you claim is true. This is bad copywriting as I know it, and I worked as a copywriter for the Pacifica Publicity Bureau of Tony Zorilla years ago, learning from Creative Director Nonoy Gallardo and the Father of Advertising David Ogilvy, British genius.

In advertising, there is no substitute for genius!@517

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