
So, With Standing Irrigation Water, PH Rice Farmers Are Also Guilty Of Global Warming!

It's not carbon dioxide, CO2 – it's water, H2O. 

Roger Harrabin of BBC News says, "Paris Agreement: Trump Confirms US Will Leave Climate Accord" (24 October 2019, bbc.com). And of course, people will hate Donald J Trump, US President, all the more. I love him.

Mr Trump does not believe in the carbon dioxide, CO2, Theory of Climate Change, and neither do I any longer.

I now believe that the water vapor is the major culprit. Actually, I have already written about it; read my essay, "Climate Changer – Water Vapor Or Carbon Dioxide, I Go For The Female Logic!" (22 October 2019, iVirtual Guru, ivirtualguru.blogspot.com). The female scientist is Australian Christine Jones, who says:

Water that sits on top of the ground will evaporate. Water vapor, caused by water that evaporates because it hasn't infiltrated, is the greenhouse gas that has increased to the greatest extent since the Industrial Revolution.

Elsewhere, Frank Beales, former Professor of the University of Toronto says (undated, "Providing Insight Into Climate Change," Friends of Science, friendsofscience.org), "The total amount of water vapor… is the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere."

Still elsewhere, "Carbon Is Not The Enemy," says William McDonough (14 November 2016, Nature, nature.com):

But carbon – the element – is not the enemy. Climate change is the result of breakdowns in the carbon cycle caused by us: it is a design failure. Anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere make airborne carbon a material in the wrong place, at the wrong dose and for the wrong duration. It is we who have made carbon toxic – like lead in our drinking water or nitrates in our rivers. In the right place, carbon is a resource and a tool.

Look at the above image again; NASA confirms that water vapor is the major cause of climate change (nasa.gov, where the above image comes from):

Water vapor is known to be Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas, but the extent of its contribution to global warming has been debated. Using recent NASA satellite data, researchers have estimated more precisely than ever the heat-trapping effect of water in the air, validating the role of the gas as a critical component of climate change.

We all forgot the heat-trapping effect of water in the atmosphere.

Andrew Dessler and colleagues from Texas A&M University in College Station confirmed that the heat-amplifying effect of water vapor is potent enough to double the climate warming caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Not CO2 but H2O is doubling the warming of the climate!

Which means the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Accord etcetera are all meaningless and will not bring down global warming even if followed.

For practical purposes, what can we do to help reduce global warming? In agriculture, we must reduce our water use. In the Philippines, we are profligate in irrigation water in growing rice. So, our rice farmers are most guilty of global warming. Easily, we can apply IRRI's alternate wet & dry method, AWD.

So, I'm sorry, Greta Thunberg. Bye, bye!@517

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