
Hidden Enemy Challenging Maria Ressa Challenging PDu30!

This article by John Reed of Financial Times has no finance but has finesse – "Maria Ressa: It Would Be Great If We Didn't Have To Fight Our Government" (09 August 2019, ft.com). Read! Here is the first paragraph:

When plainclothes police officers burst in to Maria Ressa's newsroom to arrest her back in February, her young reporters responded exactly as she had drilled them: they whipped out their phones and filmed her being escorted away, broadcasting live to their 10m readers. It was a vintage piece of heavy-handed intervention by the government of Rodrigo Duterte, the authoritarian president of the Philippines. It was also a vintage piece of cutting-edge digital journalism by one of the sharpest editors of our illiberal age.

But this is about Maria Ressa, so nice meeting you, John Reed. Thank you for your title, because you have given me an international, not just a Philippine, subject:

Today's Journalism fighting Today's Governance.
Or, to put it differently:
Modern Media battling Ancient Leadership.

Battling Media – just when did Media topple a government? Not in the Philippines! It was People Power, and we Filipinos have proven it already twice! And you know what, it was the millions.

Rappler: The enemy of millions of Filipinos is not PDu30! If you insist, you will fail in your Mission.

Rappler: The hidden enemy of millions of Filipinos is Poverty! Especially among farm families. Where is the power of Media if you cannot fight for the millions? They are now inviting you to fight for them!

And the role of Media in defeating the enemy called Poverty is to pursue and push inclusive development, not to higher gross domestic product, GDP, but higher gross national happiness, GNH. Never mind if you don't know GDP or GNH – what you should mind is inclusive development. If you don't know inclusive development, that's for me to say and for you to find out!

Rappler, on your way to understanding inclusive development, let me help by sharing what I learned from Zig Ziglar about the Truth that you keep pursuing. Instead of just pursuing the Truth as you define it, T.H.I.N.K. of Truth much more thoroughly like this:

True? To find out the Truth, you consult many sources, not just your single, favorite confidential data or information giver. What's the cellphone for? Then you google it again and again.

Helpful? So now, what you have on hand appears to be the Truth. Rappler, if you want to serve your people, and I know you do, do not just be another contrabida, antihero – be pro-people!

Inspiring? Your Truth, Rappler, if you believe it will help people, do you find it inspiring? Will it move people to do good, or at least better?

Necessary? If your Truth is Helpful and Inspiring, is it Necessary to broadcast it to the whole world?

Kind? Finally, Rappler, if your Truth is Helpful, Inspiring, and Necessary, is it Kind?

Rappler, I know that what is True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary & Kind is what will help millions rise from poverty. No more, no less!@517

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