
"Write Away!" Frank H's Beautiful Creativity Workshop, Satisfaction Guaranteed

Interested? No matter your age, as long as you can use a laptop, I can teach you creative writing in a 1-week workshop, or 1 Friday-Saturday engagement, in Manila, with Internet connection and screen projection. All-digital, to write articles, or to produce a newsletter, magazine, or book. At 78, going on 79, if I can do all that, you can do it! Only 1 total fee, any number of participants.

Note: No matter how much I charge, your money back if not satisfied.

Let me introduce myself. I am Frank Agapito Hilario, Ilocano, native of Sanchez, Asingan, Pangasinan. I am a digital writer, editor, layout artist, photographer, book producer, and blogger. Technical or creative, I am not afraid.

How creative do you think I am, or can show? Know these (no, not a complete list):

(1)   7 books published – The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT, based in India, published 7 of my books from 2008 to 2014 when I was international consulting writer for ICRISAT, when the new Secretary of Agriculture William DAR was still Director General.

(2)   Books desktop-published by me – An incomplete list: UP! ROTC2authored by me, published 2009. One Man Selling Change by me, 2012. Moving On: From Woundedness To Wellness by Alegria Abellon Javier-Obien, 2018. SRO Spreading The Virus Of Excellence In Science Headship by me (4th draft).

(3)   Minimum 5,000 long essays in my many blogs – To see is to believe! Visit my blog A Magazine Called Love (amagazinecalledlove.blogspot.com) where I make the proud claim: "Frank H, World's most highly original, creative writer online. Guru." For 6 years now, unchallenged.

(4)   Extraordinary award – I am the only recipient so far of the UPLB Alumni Association's award "Outstanding Alumnus For Creative Writing." (2011)

Any subject or field, I can teach you how to write creatively.

My secret comprises these original, extraordinary 5 stages of creative thinking leading to creative writing that I explain briefly here in Exs:

Explore. Do research. Search via Internet, repeatedly. Browse. Copy & paste. Read anything on the subject, even if you think you already know: Search will help you become more creative and you will enjoy your writing too!

Extract. With your collected notes, read in one Word window and jot down your thoughts in another window. Very helpful. You can scroll windows independently.

Express. Finished extracting information and insights from your research? Then begin to write. Stop thinking of an outline – come up with a very bad draft, that's first, necessary! The draft is meant to get your thoughts out, which will lead to other thoughts.

Examine. Now, go over your bad draft and improve it. Examine whether to compress or expand.

Excel. Rewrite! Rewrite at least 5 times, to improve – and note grammatical errors, if any. (I revised this essay 10-plus times.)

Challenge me? For the workshop, bring materials for me to write about a difficult topic, and in 2 hours, right before your eyes, I will show you a beautiful 517-word essay. Guaranteed, or your money back!

For details/arrangements, write frankahilario@gmail.com@517

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